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Global crisis – local conflicts?

Social movements in Africa

Edited by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Bettina Engels, Melanie Müller, Dr. Rainer Öhlschläger


2015, 165 S., paperback,

ISBN 978-3-8487-2250-1


Social movements in Africa are in many ways linked to and affected by globalisation processes. Decisions, that are taken on a global level have immediate effects in those countries and on their respective civil societies. Within this context of global changes, local and Pan-African networks emerge and mobilise. Networking occurs between North and South as well as between activists from different countries and regions within the global South, increasingly also across regional and linguistic boundaries.

What significance does globalisation have for social movements in Africa? How are these movements and civil society organisations included in global forums such as international conferences and world social forums? What role do they play in transnational civil society networks? What role does the funding of the organisations from external partners play?


With contributions from

Frauke Banse, Antje Daniel, Bettina Engels, Daniel Kaiser, Reinhart Kößler, Melanie Müller, Louisa Prause, Lars Schmitt and Esther Uzar


This edition is part of the collection Bayreuther Studien zu Politik und Gesellschaft in Afrika, volume 1.