RELEASE "Handbuch Entwicklungsforschung"
The "Handbuch Entwicklungsforschung", edited by Karin Fischer, Gerhard Hauck and Manuela Boatca, was recently published by Springer Verlag. It provides an introduction to the current debate on development research in the social sciences and gives a systematic overview of the diverse paradigms and research areas.
"Umwelt und Entwicklung" (environment and development)
Kristina Dietz and Bettina Engels outline in their article "Umwelt und Entwicklung" the environmental debates in development research and politics from the 1960s to date. First, they present key guiding principles such as ´sustainable development` and ´green economy`. Second, the chapter provides an overview of research on environment and development from the field of the Political Ecology. These works are based on the theoretical assumption of nature and society as constitutive related to one another. The chapter presents the concept of "Environmental Justice" as well as eco-marxist, feminist and poststructuralist contributions.