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Conflicts over industrial mining in sub-Saharan Africa

Term: 01.10.2015-30.04.2016

Financed by: Deutsche Stiftung Friedensforschung (DSF)

Principal Investigator: Jun.- Prof. Dr. Bettina Engels

Project Investigator: Melanie Müller

The pilot study engages with the broader question of which types of conflicts are currently identifiable due to industrial mining in sub-Saharan Africa. The aim is to generate and to systematize empirical knowledge about conflicts related to industrial mining in sub-Saharan Africa.

The study investigates:

  • what the central objects of these conflicts are;
  • which stakeholders face one another in these conflicts;
  • which forms of conflict resolution (violent or nonviolent) occurs;
  • to what extent other social and political conflicts are reflected in conflicts over mining, such as political participation, access to natural resources, the “right” path of development, cultural representation as well as distributional conflicts;
  • which constellations and dynamics of conflict are typical for certain contexts and conditions.